One or several windows drop back down (1/3 - 1/2 way) after closing the top or windows using one-touch feature


Either one or several windows will close but then suddenly drop part of the way back down after the top or windows were closed using any one-touch feature (console switch or remote).



This is a known problem with the Porsche 996 and 997. The safety pinch protection is probably set too sensitive or the window track is too tight/needs adjusting. We recommend turning the module off or removing it and then taking the car to the local dealer, telling them that the window(s) in question every now and then spontaneously drop back down 1/3 way after closing them with the one-touch feature. They should be able to adjust the sensitivity or adjust the tightness of the window track. We have had 100% success (positive feedback) rate with exactly this problem description in the past.